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DiAndrea Giuricin

Railway Reform in France: TRA consulting advise on French medias

TRA consulting CEO, Prof. Dr. Andrea Giuricin, was interview by several media and Institutional stakeholders about the railway reform in France.

Data and analysis about the #HSR in Italy were used by the #JDD Journal de Dimanche en France where the #Spinetta report and #Macron government are trying to make a reform of the railway system and SNCF.

In Italy the competition gives benefits for the consumers with a strong decrease of the prices of the tickets (Yield -40%) and the demand increased about 90 per in cent in 6 years.

These datas were also shown on France 2 at the news of 8 pm.

Italo Treno – NTV is the first experience of a private  #HSR railway company in open access competition and the RU had great financial result with an EBITDA Margin at 34 per cent in 2017.

The debt level is very low as shown by the NFP/EBITDA ratio that it will be lower than 2 in 2018.

Competition was good for the consumers and for the railways company that they need to innovate to be competitive.